Hoodel? (In Kurt’s Own Words)


The short flippant answer is “Hoodel knows. Hoodel cares.”

There is a longer, less flippant answer. Back in High School, I was one of the Physics geeks. But that wasn’t the crowd I hung out with (street-rod stoners). Anyway, when it came time to provide an explanation for some technical this or that, my responses were sometimes (well, usually) unnecessarily complicated…Hold that thought.

A friend of mine’s little brother was taking metal shop. In the metal shop, I was told, there was a big hydraulic machine, with big disks with dies and plungers. And if you didn’t know what it was for, there was little chance of figuring it out. It was just too (unnecessarily?) complicated. The machine was a tab-notcher…yes the tab-A into slot-B kind…made by a company called Diactro-Hoodel. Yes. It was a “Diactro-Hoodel Tab-notcher”.

And I, dear friend, became Captain Hoodel (or as I like ¿El Capitaines Hoodel?), as a result. This is a little less popular in some bars than Papa Grandé del Azucar.

I hope that helps.