Apeiron CV

Partner, CTO

Responsible for strategic and tactical management,  internal operations and financials (GAAP), enterprise wide, In this role, through proposals, technical development and communications support, he developed business relations with clients and extended the company’s intellectual capital.


  • Authored winning proposal and performed as Principal Investigator for a Network Programming Language for Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC/NASA SBIR Phase 1)
  • Developed various multimedia and peripheral control capabilities, including a multi-media database for a large advertising firm supporting library functions, and license agreements.
  • Supported numerous data/database conversion and data communications projects with NOAA and the Navy.
  • Developed specification and prototype of a meta-project management tool for the US Global Change research program, simultaneously supporting some 200 projects across 10 federal agencies with a $1.8 billion budget.
  • Developed advanced user interfaces for oil field inventory visualization, expert systems and natural language menu systems.
  • Developed operations and environmental briefing system for US Navy, Fleet Numeric Oceanographic Center, Monterey CA.
  • Authored winning proposal and performed as project manager and principal investigator for development of a Wireless Headset (SBIR Phase 1) development project for Kennedy Space Center (KSC/NASA). Primary author of each SBIR projects final report.
  • Apeiron worked with an experimental, alternative United Nations High School to develop curriculum, materials and Mac-based admin over 5 year period. Samples are available via UN bookstore. Several countries around the world are experimenting with it. Presentations in front of model UN (MUNDO).

Notes: Apeiron was a consultancy specializing in data manipulation and visualization, custom software/user interface development and AI. It was a chief contract asset to Apple Computers Federal Systems Group supporting requests that were far outside the mainstram. Most work was for NOAA and NAVY. Work was due to follow on and word of mouth.

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