When Parents Live Many States Away

Sue and I got married in Texas, no family present. Only Friends. I know this irked some, but as it turned out, it was the only way to be fair to everyone.  I worked for Texas Instruments for awhile. Eric and Niels were born. Mom and Dad were able to visit only once or twice. There were other rare family visitors too. Kristen (visiting one summer) complained about the bugs. Then we had a go at being self-employed. Something about going broke, the need to eat and the knowledge that Mom and Dad were getting on in years got me looking for a job back East. We moved back in time for Eric and Niels to spend some time with their grandparents.   ~Kurt

Sue: I recall that Kurt’s Mom came once and I met Kaye on a separate occasion when she was visiting Kurt while Kurt and I were still dating. My parents came once after Eric was born but I don’t recall  ever seeing Mother and Dad Christensen in Texas after we were married. We always flew to Alexandria for a week or so around Thanksgiving or Christmas with the boys.

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