Kurt Gave Money and Support to…

Things Kurt believed in and gave money toward. Since money is the concretization of desire, this giving to causes tells you where his heart was and wishes for humanity. These were listed on LinkedIn but I know off the top of my head some concrete examples.

Civil Rights and Social Action– Kurt was a strong backer of the ACLU.

Economic Empowerment


Health– ex.) Doctors Without Borders

Human Rights- Strong believer here.

Poverty Alleviation

Science and Technology Research

ActBlue--Kurt would always say “I’m not a Republican”, he was a little bit Libertarian but had a strong feeling about people not gettng trampled by big moneyed interests. He was very disturbed by the whole Trump administration and what was happening to people and recently gave A LOT of money to the Democrats. He also would support monetarily individual candidates.

Writing to Your Congress Critters!!! (many, many times to express his opinion and got feedback)

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