MRJ Technology Solutions
Senior Computer Analyst
1994 – 2002 (8 years)

Senior Scientist, responsible for algorithm development and for engineering and analysis of complex systems, physical science and information technologies.

Principal Engineer. Data warehouse architecture and development, environmental systems, architecture, algorithm development and GIS processing.

Systems Architect. Solaris system administration, Oracle DBA and webmaster for global environmental database integrated with regional modeling system.

Provided SETA support on proprietary projects.

A selection of some of his work is listed below:

  • • Development of scripts to parse messages (Notice to Mariners, for example) to automatically generate spatial objects for processing within Geographic Information Systems
  •  Developed a data warehouse architecture, algorithms and GIS processing for environmental analysis
  • Performed system engineering for communications systems (fiber optic and satellite),  Link margins – receiver performance, attenuation, DWDM applications. Physical effects – temporal dispersion, polarization dependent loss, field modes.
  • Specified and reviewed the capabilities of image processing systems.
  • Developed classifier models and 3D visualization capability for bioluminescent marine creature research for Harbor Branch Oceanographic.
  • Provided independent confirmation on algorithms related to equipment failure predictions and dynamic steering of antenna gimbals.
  • Performed other system engineering and system availability analyses.
  • Provided technical leadership and expertise to the development of a digital map library management system and web site.
  • Led the Process Action Team on Program Management for MRJ’s Software Engineering Process Group. This led to adoption of the Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI’s) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and maturity to level 3 for one division.
  • Contributed to numerous proposal efforts and provided SETA support on proprietary projects. Received customer awards on multiple occasions
  • Developed algorithms and codes for Advanced Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Management (AIM) for the Defense advanced Research Projects Agency. Work included natural language processing, adaptive learning systems, sensor/system modeling and geographic data processing. Successfully bid development effort to migrate these capabilities to the national Reconnaissance Office.
  • Comprehensive understanding of computer languages, COTS applications software and hardware platforms, including VAX/VMS, Silicon Graphics, 4D Turbo/BSD UNIX, Macintosh, PCs, LMI Lambda and TI Explorer and others. He has advanced training in ART by Inference Corporation (essentially a superset of CLIPS), MITEM View by Apple Computers, advanced MS-DOS programming and other programming languages. 



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