
I was told that I was allergic to peanuts. Apparently someone gave me some peanut butter cookies once and I got all nauseous. Trip to the infirmary. Anti-histamine injection. Vomit all over the physician. That’s it. I was informed by my parents…sister…brother…I’m allergic to peanuts. Thank you very much. I have to spend my life reading ingredients, making sure there are no peanuts in my food.

Later. on a Utah car trip from Brigham City to Hooper, we stopped by some roadside, ice-cream establishment. I ordered a sundae and deliberately asked for chopped peanuts. There was no allergic reaction. You know? I think maybe I’ve gone through 45 years of my life with the false impression that I’ve been allergic to peanuts. This may be, but I know that  hazelnut will still put me down for the count.


Sue: Or pistachios. At an Indian restaurant he would ask if there were any nuts in the rice. Waiter: “NO nuts! Pistachios!”   I can recall times in which getting guaifenesin into him was of utmost importance because his mucous membranes would instantly start to swell up– while in the restaurant with “no nuts”.


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