Family Gatherings

When Kurt’s parents were alive and we lived in Oakton or Texas, we  gathered with family to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There were times in which we just came over for the weekend or flew in from Texas for an extended stay leading up to or past the holiday in question.

Mali Tongarm, Kurt’s Thai brother, married Jill and they produced two kids-Jason and Carrie, who I first met when I accompanied Kurt from Texas to Virginia in 1986 and met their two kids.  He and his Dad are here in the wedding party, so he must have been either late HS or early college age.  So, the Tongarms and the Christensens and the O’Connells (Kaye’s family) are in the holiday pictures.

July 27, 1974  Mali and Jill.    Kurt is a Junior in HS.

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