High School Buddies

Kurt was one of those rare people who could keep the same friends through a lifetime. He had a fond place for his HS friends–especially “Fast Fred” –and was often nostalgic for the hi-jinks they pulled. Things like skipping class to go get sourdough bread out in Tyson’s Corners, driving like maniacs, playing in a garage band…  He said he often dated girls from other schools.  The guys will have to fill in any HS memories here because as Fred said, they have a lot of stories. Missing pix of Lee…

Yearbook pictures of friends through HS

The High School Girl Friend

One Reply to “High School Buddies”

  1. OMG! Debbie Blynn! Kurt introduced me to her, she lived across the park and TC Williams HS from me! We dated a couple of times, but she definitely liked Kurt a whole lot more than me! That’s the way Nature meant it to be, as Kurt ultimately introduced me to the love of my life in 1972, Susan Elliott who I was foolish enough to let her get away from me some 10 years later. Again, as Nature has a way of getting things right, in September 2019, my cell phone stopped working. So I go see Kurt in Westminister and he, of course, fixes my iPhone, duh! We then went for a long drive like we used to do and threw the B/S around and talked a lot, and I told him how much I still missed Susan and still had extremely strong feelings for her, and letting her get away from me decades ago was possibly the biggest mistakes I ever made in my life. Kurt, being himself, didn’t say anything more about Susan, but about a week or so later I get an e-mail from him. He had networked some old college friends and got Susan’s phone number and told me to call her and see what she was doing. I’ll never forget that night, September 10th, 2019. I called the number and asked the woman who answered if I could speak to Susan Elliott. Who’s calling was the response. I replied, Fred Mayer. “Fred Mayer, oh my God”! We talked for about 5 hours that night! We started dating again in January 2020 and, needless to say, we are back together as we were meant to be, and I’m not going to make that mistake again!

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