College Days at Virginia Tech

Kurt did a bit of round-a-bouting before he showed up at VT. His Mom said that his friends had left for college and he was undecided about what to do, exactly. He did a stint at a George Mason U and at (a local college referred to as Tinker Toy Tech on the Turnpike). Then his grades weren’t stellar despite his native brilliance, and according to MIL, “He had to beg for VA Tech to take him”. Was that true–I don’t know.  I think Kurt was one of those people who got bored in the traditional classes and just didn’t see the point. So he would check out, play hookey, whatever. (Just my opinion taking some of what I heard). There weren’t any challenges he felt were worth his time in that mileu. However, he *was* accepted at V Tech in, I think 1978 or 79 (to be corrected if wrong). He probably started in a dorm on campus and quickly moved off campus.

Must be a view of campus or apartments available to VT students.

Looks like dorms

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