Dedicated to All the Texas Friends Who Knew Kurt

To Mark–best man at both my weddings, Kurt’s alter-ego, partner and conscience. Alum of School of Wisdom, TIer. Passed away October 2016.
Charlie Lindahl–long time friend to Kurt and me, TIer, friend of many on this page and great brain and humanitarian. Probably the only person now alive who could explain Kurt’s thinking. S of W.
Carl Weddle– friend from TI, briefly knew me w/ Stacy before I married Kurt
JoAn Weddle– Carl’s wife at the time. Passed away around 2007 from cancer. Wonderful person, S of W teacher.Friend to Kurt and me.

First Laura Vendeland and then Debbie Smith, girlfriends of Mark at the time, consecutively. Debbie helped with Apeiron/Telenexus. Laura had moved back to Chicago area, thus Debbie.

Phil Chapados- friend of Kurt’s from TI, really intelligent guy who last I knew had a PhD and lived in  NY State Rochester area. Big partier, to Mardi Gras. I recall getting blasted at Kurt’s and him holding my hair as I vomited in the toilet.

Many of Kurt’s TI friends would come to play croquet at our house. This was a big deal–to have competitive croquet matches and party.

Craig and Mathilde Young– very good friend from TI. Kurt thought a lot of him and Mathilde was a really smart woman. Out of Louisiana. Ithink he is high up in Raytheon now.

Bob and Cheri Yori–from School of Wisdom. Bob was techie. Cheri took time off for a decade to raise three kids. School of Wisdom. Friends with me beofre I met Kurt.

Judy Guy, better half of dentist  Henry Guy in Arlington, both with School of Wisdom. Teacher and board members.  I would never have gotten through my divorce and gone on with Kurt had it not been for Judy helping me along. They thought us a good match.

Stan Bernsteen and Howard Beratan met Kurt at TI. Every weekend Kurt and then we as a couple, then we with the kids would meet at a jewish Deli for Sunday brunch and talk (Kurt with those guys). We  went to a great Russian deli later. Kurt thought highly of them. They seem to be here in the East now.

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