2020 Typical Kurt

We had been having months of trouble with our kitchen sink. Both sinks would back up. The water would stand for a long time. Kurt poured multiple products down the drain, none of which worked for long, changed the garbage disposal (didn’t help) and a couple times tried to ream out the pipes in the garage below the sink. Due to the way they were installed–horizontal without a slant–and other no longer to modern code issues, it was really hard to fix. And of course, Kurt was a do it yourselfer who learned to master things by tackling them head on in the midst of chaos. He began this way of dealing with things in Oakton, VA. Out to Home Depot at 2 am to buy tools and supplies because the pipes in the basement burst/were leaking and his office flooded, etc.  So here he is, in a hazmat suit, ready to do battle with reaming tools because of last experience with those heavy metal 1950’s pipes being full of nasty black gunk. It still didn’t work and took brother in law Tibor to replace the pipe (professional plumbing apprentice experience) in July.

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